Hey Worldy Groovers, and welcome to the spaced out world of the Khosan Man.

Khosan Man delivers to you all his psychadelic tips on Thailand starting from his base on Khao San Road in Bangkok, where he can always be found in his Thai fisherman pants, chowing down on a spicy Pad Thai and sipping an ice cold Chang.
                                                                    Travel Essentials List                                                                        
Copyright 2005 Khosanman  Inc. All Rights Reserved.
1. A singlet or "(Insert Country Name Here) Beer" T-shirt

2. Baggy Fisherman Pants

3. Thailand Lonely Planet Guide - Obviously not essential for a well seasoned traveller like the Khaosan Man, but essential when you run out of toilet paper.

4. Buddhism for Beginners - Essential if you wish to embrace the faith and fit in with the Khao San community.

5. A slight air of arrogance - As we who pace the hallowed backpacker turf of the Khao San Road are superior to package tourists.

6. Forget your soap - otherwise we'll smell you aren't one of us